Individual safeguards in the era of AI: fair algorthms, fair regulation, fair procedures


1st JCME JUST-AI Summer Colloquium

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellente JUST AI gladly invites you to contribute to its first summer colloquium: INdividual safeguards in the era of AI: fair algorithms, fair regulation, fair procedures.

How should programmers integrate ‘fairness constraints’ in the programming (training, validation) of AI systems? How should regulators design regulatory frameworks that are conducive to accurate and fair (as well as accurate because fair) AI systems? When harm occurs due to an ‘error’ (typically, a bias), which adjudicatory procedures should be made available to the victims? Which substantive and procedural rights should claimants and defendants be able to exercise? How should courts adjudicate AI-related disputes in order to arrive at fair outcomes?...

Though these and other similar issues can be addressed from a variety of analytical viewpoints, the speakers at the first JUST-AI Summer Colloquium will be invited to analyze them from the vantage point of the individual, the aim of the Colloquium being to foster a pluri-/interdisciplinary discussion on the types, means and effectiveness of the safeguards that can and ought to be afforded, to individuals, in the various sectors where AI technologies become prominent and the risk of harm they might cause, more imminent.

The JUST-AI Summer Colloquium aims to bring together researchers in various stages of career advancement (doc, post-doc, Assist. and Assoc. Prof) active in IT, the social sciences (sociology, political science, law and economy) and the humanities (philosophy, history, linguistics). While contributors are encouraged to submit proposals on any topic in line with the theme of the Colloquium, the following topics may provide guidance on the types of presentations and discussions we would like to have:

  1. The facets of fairness: conceptual uniformity vs conceptual plurality
  2. Fairness as rationale of substantive and procedural AI regulation
  3. Individual safeguards against AI-relatd harm

All abstract submission (500 words) must be in English and send to by 15 March 2024. Selected authors will be notified by 30 April 2024. The Colloquium will take place in Brussels on 24-25 June 2024. Papers will then be published in the JUST-AI Research Papers Serie. More info below.


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